
UnknownProcessor is used by several labs for processing GCMS Scan data for unknown compounds. It can be used for perfume analysis, emission analysis, etc.

UnknownProcessor has been rewritten from scratch and improved on many sides. It is now a super high productivity and standalone tool. It handles 200+ samples with 200+ compounds with ease. Corresponding compounds are lined-up across multiple samples. And that makes reviewing so much more productive.

Some of the function are: Deconvolution, integration, FID and GCMS peak correlation, Retention Index, multi-sample compound lineup, export to Excel, reporting with Excel templates, Toluene equivalent quantitation, FID with GCMS formula quantitation.

Spectrum extraction, library search, FID correlation and Lineup are all done automatic. Your manager will be blown away with the speed of processing from injection to reporting.

An ESTD response/amount or an ISTD (Toluene or another compound) can be used to do semi-quantitation on FID or TIC response.

Corresponding compounds have the same colors througout the application

The information rich chromatography view with many manual functions

And can be viewed in the lineup table.

The lineup table with rich cell information per compound

This is the hit view, the tool where you quickly can review the indentifications and move to the next compound.

And there is a RetentionIndex tool

Several report templates are available. And you can easily modify report templates in Excel.

There is much more. When you are interested, send an Email and we will do a remote demonstration.

Single intrument license 7000 euro.

PDF training

UnknownProcessor Demo version 1.21 setup


2024-04-021.17ReviewStatus chrom peak dots did not update
Library Limits seems not to work
Lineup automation does not work after deconvolution
Spectrum window anchor plot
Resp% in Lineup Export infinite
2024-06-201.18Removed unused integration parameters from the method
Fixed bugs in Lineup and retain lineup after loading batch
2024-06-261.19Option to exclude hits when RI match fails. Option to hide unidentified lineups
2024-09-091.20Improved the IonChromatogram window, show reference sample
2024-09-101.21 Improved the Spectrum window, show reference sample